商务英语课本第5页Part f听力文本

时间:2023-02-20 17:00:40 作者:壹号 字数:2311字

Audio Script for Exercise f on Page 5

Mrs. Mills: Good afternoon, Martha and John. It’s good to find students who are thinking about

how to get a job.

Basically, it’s a process and certain steps need to be followed. Let me take you through the

most important ones(带你看看/了解一下最重要的步骤).

But before we even begin we need to focus your research by matching your interests with

your skills, abilities, personality, training, and qualifications(资格/资质).

Now, I see from your files(档案,资料) here that you are both taking general Business

courses and will graduate in June. The field of Business is very broad, so we need to think of your particular strengths and what you do and do not enjoy doing.

For example, if either of you likes working with and helping other people you would

probably enjoy a career in Human Resources. The responsibility of the Human Resources employees is to match the person with the position. Recruitment(招聘) can be done externally when a new employee is brought into the company or internally from within the company, which might involve promotion. The HR department also looks after staff development(员工发展), welfare(福利), and motivation(激励). In other words, here you try to keep everyone happy.

Now if that’s not you and you think you would enjoy the more aggressive side of the business

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world, there is sales and marketing. There your focus is the customer and convincing him to buy and for this kind of job you need to be tough.

And, of course, if you like precision and attention to detail, there is the world of finance. This

kind of job includes the many aspects of calculating expenses, profits, revenue, and of course, investment.

You are going to have to give this some thought and not only about jobs themselves, but the

kind of companies where you can work, which will make these jobs vary.

In the meantime, I can get you started on the form-filling(填表), CV writing(简历写作), and

tips for interviewing. So shall we begin?

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