高一英语必修 5 2+Unit4+Wildlife+protection++warming+up

时间:2022-11-21 07:49:00 作者:壹号 字数:809字

Wildlife Protection

Unit 4

Tibetan antelope


golden monkey

rhin ozebra


red-crowned crane


turtle 海龟

sea turtle


South China tiger



milu deer

K o a l a

koala 树袋熊

Words used to describe animals good natured 性子温和的 faithful忠心的 curly卷毛的 intelligent聪明的 friendly 友善的 cute 可爱的 tame 温顺的 mild 温柔的

dangerous危险的 fierce 凶恶的

cunning狡黠的 changeful 易变的

They are rare,precious.They are national treasure.But …

They are dying out!They are endangered!

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ThinkingWhy are they in dangerof disappearing?

Exchange your idea with your partner

I am hungry!

They cannot find enough food.

Where is my home?

The forest has been destroyed. Their habitat is being threatened.

They are killed because of environmental pollution.