JLR E108 Branding Directive

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Updated Version to include Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Reform 1 June 2010 E108 Automotive Parts and Accessories Branding Directive 汽车零件及配件商标指示

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此指示文件的目的是确定捷豹及路虎的零配件乮部件乯商标的负责人及实施方法。具体覆盖捷豹和路虎 商标下车辆生产及售后中所用零配件的开发、采购及供应过程丆并说明了此指示实行中捷豹和路虎处乮以下称为“公司”乯的主要活动。The purpose of this Directive is to establish responsibilities and practices regarding the branding of Jaguar and Land Rover parts and accessories (“components”). Specifically, it covers the development, procurement and supply of parts and accessories used for production and servicing of JAGUAR and LAND ROVER branded vehicles and sets forth the responsibilities of the principal activities at Jaguar and Land Rover (each "the company") involved in the implementation of this Directive. 背景(描述了印商标的意义乯丗提高市场竞争力以及防止伪制品

The branding of parts and accessories with the JAGUAR or LAND ROVER trademark (which is understood to include the words "JAGUAR" “LAND ROVER”, the "JAGUAR leaper" and "LAND ROVER Oval" and / or other authorised JAGUAR or LAND ROVER brands) is an economically valuable marketing tool, especially in the highly competitive component aftermarket. The presence of the JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark indicates to customers that a component has been manufactured with the company's authority and meets the company’s stringent quality standards. The JAGUAR / LAND ROVER trademark is an essential element in taking action against illegal activities such as counterfeiting or unauthorised selling of JAGUAR / LAND ROVER components. 零件商标指示

The company’s Parts Branding Directive requires that all JAGUAR and LAND ROVER components used in either producing or servicing JAGUAR or LAND ROVER vehicles permanently bear the following markings: 根据公司的零件商标打印指示丆要求用于捷豹或路虎车辆生产及维修的所有捷豹路虎部件要

永远带着以下标记。 (1) the LAND ROVER Oval device or JAGUAR leaper trademark, (or other approved mark); 路虎的椭圆形商标或捷豹商标丆乮或其他批准的标记乯

(2) the part number; and 零件号丟及(3) the Supplier code, 供应商代码

July 2010