
时间:2022-11-20 19:59:58 作者:壹号 字数:21878字


元旦手抄报内容资料包括了元旦的来历、元旦的庆祝方式有哪些、关于元旦的古诗和诗歌、和元旦手抄报图片作品给你参考。一、元旦的来历:“元”有开始之意,“旦”指天明的意思。元旦(New Year's Day,New Year )便是一年开始的第一天,也被称为“新历年”“阳历年”。元旦又称“三元”,即岁之元、月之元、时之元。辛亥革命成功后,孙中山为了“行夏正,所以顺农时,从西历”,定农历正月初一为春节,而以西历的1月1日为新年。1949年9月27日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议决定:“中华人民共和国纪年采用公元年法”,确认新年(元旦)为中国的法定节日。元旦也是世界上很多国家或地区的法定假日。

二、元旦的庆祝方式有哪些:元旦的庆祝方式一: 全中国乃至是全球都知道的,很多国家都把元旦顶为法顶节日,在元旦这天放假。新中国成立后,也规定元旦为法定节日放假一天。元旦的庆祝方式二: 现在比较普遍的就是由团体组织的活动,如元旦联欢会、挂庆祝元旦的标语、或举行集体活动等,之前就有组织敲锣打鼓、集体跳民族舞的,现在在电视记录片上还能看到,到科技发展的今天,就演变成联欢晚会甚么的了。最近几年更是有旅游、集会等节目,反正元旦这天并没有太多的传统,在这一天假期了就任人发挥了。乃至,元旦这天对年轻一代来讲只意味着一天的假期。元旦的庆祝方式三: 保存着中国传统的庆祝方式就是在以民间了,特别是在农村。每到元旦,家家户户都会燃放炮竹,杀鸡宰鹅的,拜祭过各方神灵后就是一家人团圆一餐。至于更为浓重的庆祝方式暂时还没见过。三、关于元旦的古诗和诗歌: 《如梦令元旦》***(1930年1月) 宁化丶清流丶归化, 路隘林深苔滑。 本日向何方, 直指武夷山下。 山下山下, 风展红旗如画。 《元旦试笔》陈献章 天上风云庆会时,庙谟争遗草茅知。 邻墙旋打娱宾酒,稚子齐歌丰年诗。 老去又逢新岁月,春来更有好花枝。 晚风何处江楼笛,吹到东溟月上时。 《丁卯元日》钱谦益 一樽岁酒拜庭除,稚子牵衣慰屏居。 奉母犹欣餐有肉,占年更喜梦维鱼。 钩帘欲连新巢燕,涤砚还疏旧著书。 旋了比邻鸡黍局,并没有尘事到吾庐。 《新年作》刘长卿 乡心新岁切,天畔独潸然。 老至居人下,春归在客先。 岭猿同旦暮,江柳共风烟。 已似长沙傅,从今又几年。 《守岁》杜甫 守岁阿戎家,椒盘已颂花。 盍簪喧枥马,列炬散林鸦。 四十明朝过,飞腾晚景斜。 谁能更拘束?烂醉是生涯。 《元日》王安石 爆竹声中一岁除,东风送暖入屠苏。 千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。





由于世界各国所处的经度位置不同,各国的时间也不同,因此,“元旦”的日期也有不同。如大洋洲的岛国汤加位于日界线的西侧,它是世界上最先开始的一天的地方,也是最先庆祝元旦的国家。而位于日界线东侧的西萨摩亚则是世界上最迟开始新的一天的地方。按公历计,我国是世界上第12个开始新年的国家。 而在此之前,元旦一直是指农历岁首第一天的。元是“初”“始”的意思,旦指“日子”,元旦合称即是“初始的日子”,也就是一年第一天。

元旦诗歌资料春雪 韩愈





春思 皇甫冉


…… 此处隐藏3773字 ……





New Year's day history data (small knowledge of copies out the newspaper can be used as a New Year's day) In contemporary, New Year's day refers to the beginning of the first day of calendar. After since was introduced into China, New Year's day was dedicated to the New Year, the word of the traditional JiuLiNian, called the Spring Festival. Before that, on the first day at New Year's day is always refers to the lunar calendar. Yuan is "at the beginning of" the meaning of "beginning", denier refers to the "day", called the "initial day", is New Year's day is the first day of a year. On September 27, 1949, the Chinese people's political consultative conference first community meeting resolution: "calendar using the common law of the People's Republic of China" and that is what we call the solar calendar, to distinguish two New Year the lunar and solar calendar, and in view of the lunar 24 solar terms of "spring" just around the lunar New Year, so he put the first lunar month renamed the "Spring Festival", the Gregorian calendar on January 1 as the "New Year's day", at this point, the joy of New Year's day has become the national people's festival. Celebrate the start of the New Year, celebrate the New Year's day is around the world the common customs. In our country,

but also on the national holiday. And most countries in the world, China adopted the Gregorian calendar dating method, the January 1 as the beginning of the New Year, called "New Year's day". Due to the longitude position of different countries around the world, time is also different from country to country, therefore, the date of the "New Year" are also different. Such as Australia, the island nation of tonga is located in the west side of the date line, it is a day of the first places in the world, is also the first country to celebrate New Year's day. While the western Samoa is located in the east of date line is the world's most the place to start a day late. According to the Gregorian calendar, our country is the world's 12th to start the New Year. Before that, on the first day at New Year's day is always refers to the lunar calendar. Yuan is "at the beginning of" the meaning of "beginning", denier refers to the "day", called the "initial day", is New Year's day is the first day of a year. On September 27, 1949, the Chinese people's political consultative conference first community meeting resolution: "calendar using the common law of the People's Republic of China" and that is what we call the solar calendar, to

distinguish two New Year the lunar and solar calendar, and in

view of the lunar 24 solar terms of "spring" just around the lunar New Year, so he put the first lunar month renamed the "Spring Festival", the Gregorian calendar on January 1 as the "New Year's day", at this point, the joy of New Year's day has become the national people's festival. Celebrate the start of the New Year, celebrate the New Year's day is around the world the common customs. In our country, but also on the national holiday. And most countries in the world, China adopted the Gregorian calendar dating method, the January 1 as the beginning of the New Year, called "New Year's day". Due to the longitude position of different countries around the world, time is also different from country to country, therefore, the date of the "New Year" are also different. Such as Australia, the island nation of tonga is located in the west side of the date line, it is a day of the first places in the world, is also the first country to celebrate New Year's day. While the western Samoa is located in the east of date line is the world's most the place to start a day late. According to the Gregorian calendar, our country is the world's 12th to start the New Year.