自考综合英语二 上册01课单词中英文释义表格

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n n v

jointly in some respects (not)matter what/how,etc get trapped lead to leave…untouched far from


be restricted to be capable of take (great) delight in


限定;限制 (usually Western) connected with the west part of the world, especially Europe and N America:西方国家的;欧美国家的 [U] compassion (for sb) a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them:同情;怜悯 greater or better than usual:特别地;不平常地 caring only about yourself rather than about other people:自私的 空洞;无趣,寂寞 adj.[usually before noun] without real value: Hollow adj. 孤独;寂寞 Lonely Lonely adj. unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to: used to describe feelings that two or more people have for each other equally, or actions that affect two or more people equally:相互的, 彼此的 温情;慈爱 Tender adj. kind, gentle and loving: [U, C, usually sing.] encouragement (to sb) (to do sth) the act of encouraging sb to do sth; something that encourages sb:鼓励;激励物 1.to become bigger or taller and develop into an adult(指人或动物) 成长 2.grow (in sth) to increase in size, number, strength or quality: 增长 联合地,共同地 Joint adj. [only before noun] involving two or more people together: in one respect/in some respects etc used to say that something is true in one way, in some ways etc:在某些方面 Verb matter (to sb) (not used in the progressive tenses) to be important or have an important effect on sb/sth: …… (没)有关系 被困,陷于 lead to sth to have sth as a result SYN result in:导致 没有提及过 far from sth / from doing sth almost the opposite of sth or of what is expected: far from it (informal) used to say that the opposite of what sb says is true: 并非,并不是 仅限于 Restricted adj. controlled by rul

es or laws: capable of sth / of doing sth having the ability or qualities necessary for doing sth:有能力 乐于,嗜好 Delight [U] a feeling of great pleasure SYN joy: delight in sth / doing sth [no passive] to enjoy doing sth very much, especially sth that makes other people feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, etc provide sb (with sth) | provide sth (for sb) to give sth to sb or make it available for them to use SYN supply:为…提供…