
时间:2022-11-21 02:55:10 作者:壹号 字数:11064字


六 年级 英语 教案设计

Unit1 How tall are you?

(人教版六下Unit1、部编教材六下Unit1 B Let’s learn)

谷云霞 山西省忻州市神池县南关明德小学



1.Review the usage of nominal possessive pronoun. 课前预习 2.Look up the rules of the comparative forms of adjectives. 教学内容 Unit1 How tall are you? B Let’s learn 1.Be able to listen、speak、read and write the key words:thinner heavier bigger smaller stronger. 教学目标 2.Be able to use the comparative adjectives exactly. 3.Let the students develop a positive exercise habit. 教学重点 Can use the comparative forms of adjectives accurately. How to use the comparative forms of adjectives accurately. The PPT of the lesson 教学过程 导入 新授 1.review the words that have learned last class. 2.Use the old words to make sentences. 1.Follow the tape,then read the new words in pairs. 教学难点 教学用具 明德项目办公室 1


2.Teach the new words. 3.the usage of the new words and nominal possessive pronoun. 1.Practice the new words. 练习 2.Write a passage. New words and sentences The rules of the comparative forms of adjectives. 1.follow the tape for 10 minutes. 2.Recite the new words and sentences. 作业 3.Write a passage:Describe the differences between your father and mother(Height/weight/Age/size of the shoes /Appearance/character/Hobby) 小结 明德项目办公室 2




1.Review the usage of nominal possessive pronoun.

2.Look up the rules of the comparative forms of adjectives. 教学内容:

Unit1 How tall are you? B Let’s learn 教学目标:

1.Be able to listen、speak、read and write the key words:thinner heavier bigger smaller stronger.

2.Be able to use the comparative adjectives exactly. 3.Let the students develop a positive exercise habit. 教学重点:

Can use the comparative forms of adjectives accurately. 教学难点:

How to use the comparative forms of adjectives accurately. 教学用具:

The PPT of the lesson 教学过程:


1.T:Let’s chant Ss:Chant together

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big big

明德项目办公室 heavy heavger Small smallier thin thiner



ner strong strong