
时间:2022-11-20 22:32:58 作者:壹号 字数:6810字

拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。如果你希望成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以小心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。中考一轮复习 IJKL 开头词汇(二)(讲义)

??以字母IJKL 开头的单词 K 段

keep /ki?p/ v. (kept,kept)保持;保存,继续不断;培育,饲养

keep quiet 保持安静 keep calm 保持冷静 keep one’s cool 沉住气;保持冷静 keep (on) doing sth. 坚持做某事,一直在做某事 keep away from 远离

keep…to oneself 保守秘密

keep sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事 keep one’s word/keep a promise 遵守诺言keep out 不进入;使……不进入 keep up with 跟上


There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. borrow/keep


keeper /'ki?p?/ n. 饲养员;保管人 key /ki?/ n. 钥匙;答案;键;关键

the key to the door 门上的钥匙

the key to success 成功的关键key words

keyboard /'ki?b??d/ n. 键盘 kick /k?k/

v.&n. 踢

kick sb off 开除某人

He was really worried that his coach might kick him out of the team. kid /k?d/ n. 小孩;年轻人 kill /k?l/ v. 杀死,弄死 kilo=kilogram /'ki?l??/ n. 千克

kilometre /'k?l?,mi?t?/ n.(美 kilometer) 千米,公里 kind /ka?nd/

adj. 善良的;友好的 n. 种;类

kind of 稍微;有点

a kind of


many kinds of all kinds of kindness /'ka?n(d)n?s/ n. 仁慈;善良 king /k??/ n. 国王 kiss /k?s/

n. 吻,亲吻 v. 吻,接吻 kitchen /'k?t??n/ n. 厨房 kite /ka?t/ n. 风筝 fly a kite=fly kites knee /ni?/ n. 膝盖

knife /na?f/

n.(复 knives)刀

knock /n?k/ n. 敲,击,敲打 v. 敲,打,击

knock at/on 敲…… knock into 撞上

knock sth. down/off/over etc. 碰倒,撞倒

The dog managed to knock over a table. knock off (sth.) 停止(工作);下班

I don’t knock off until six.

What time do you knock off work? know /n??/ v. (knew, known)知道,了解;认识;懂得 be

known for 以……闻名;以……出名 well-known 著名的;众所周知的

As far as I know, tea plants are grown on the sides of mountain. As we all know, pandas eat only bamboo.

know about 了解 know well 熟悉 knowledge /'n?l?d?/ n. 知识,学问 [U]

Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 knowledgeable 知识渊博的

believe believable koala /k??'ɑ?l?/ n. 树袋熊;考拉 kung fu /,k??'fu:/ n. (中国)功夫

L 段

lab /l?b/=laboratory /'l?b(?)r?,t(?)r?/

n. 实验室


labour /'le?b?/ n.( 美 labor) 劳动

五一劳动节 Labour Day = May Day lake /le?k/ n. 湖 lamb /l?m/ n. 羔羊 lamp /l?mp/ n. 灯 land /l?nd/ n. 陆地;土地

v. 登岸(陆);降落 language /'l??gw?d?/

n. 语言

How many languages can you speak? large /lɑ?d?/ adj. 大的;巨大的

laugh / lɑ?f/ n. 笑,笑声

v. 笑,大笑;嘲笑

laugh at sb./sth. 嘲笑;讥笑 smile at…对……微笑 laughter /'lɑ?ft?/ n. 笑;笑声 [U] law /l??/ n. 法律,法令;定律 last /lɑ?st/

adj. 最近的;上一个的;最后的

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(BrE) a driving license

(AmE) a driver’s license

lie /la?/ n. 谎言 说谎:tell a lie v. (lied, lied) 说谎;撒谎

单三 lies 动名词 lying v. (lay, lain) 躺;平放;位于

单三 lies 动名词 lying

lie down 躺下