
时间:2023-08-29 03:26:06 作者:天下 字数:12233字



Rarely = seldom adv.很少地

be interest in = take interest in (一句话顶用不同的表达方式, 是为了防止从复)

took great interest in = take enormous/tremendous interest in

share something with somebody 和或人共享某物

-- I share the room with my friend.

For a great many years = for a long time.

Orderly adj.有次序的, 有次序的

Discipline v.练习 n.纪律, 学科

Disciplined n.受过练习的,恪守纪律的

Regular adj.规矩的, 有次序的

takes a short walk = goes for a walk = goes for a stroll

stroll n.散步, 闲逛

4、One evening, however, he failed to arrive.

However 的运用标明:he isn’t home that evening.

look for, find

after 可以和名词调配

-- three days after Johnson’s arrival. 约翰逊到来三天之后。

-- three days after the kidnapper’s appearance.

State 十分正式的声明

Instruct = order(vt.指令) = tell formally(adv.正式地, 方式上)

be instructed to do something

-- The journalist was instructed to obtain the exact statistics.

Fearing 现在分词做原因状语

make it clear to somebody that…(it 是方式主语)

Keep his word = keep his promise 恪守承诺

word 表明承诺时, 要选用奇数方式

keep his word 恪守承诺 / break his word 失信誉

give somebody one's word 向或人确保

-- I give you my word that I will return your bicycle.

as good as one's word 表明守信誉(侧要点在于着重一个成果)

-- He promised to pay me the money and he was as good as his word.

他承诺把钱给我, 正如他所言他恪守了他的承诺。

go back on one's word 食言, 违反承诺

11、Sure enough, Rastus arrived punctually at seven o'clock that evening.

sure enough 着重的确如此

-- I said it would happen, and sure enough it did happen.

half a bottle of milk 半瓶牛奶

half the money 一半的钱 / half the distance 一半的间隔

She explained that Rastus was very dear to her.

14、Considering the amount she paid, he was dear in more ways than one!

in more ways than one = in many ways

dear 具有两层含义(便是亲爱的, 又是贵重的)


the first man who would fly across… = the first man to fly across...

序数词和动词不定式 to 调配连用可以替代这以后的定语从句

-- the first person to greet him was a local policeman

…… 此处隐藏3360字 ……

fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的费事

系列的动词构成平行结构:take off, rolled up, push

roll vi.翻滚 vt.翻滚

-- The pencil rolled(vi.) under the table.

-- He rolled(vt.) the ball towards the puppy.(puppy n.(常指未满一岁的)小狗, 小动物)

roll up 卷起, 挽起

-- We will need to roll up the carpet.

what 引导的插入语