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建筑结构学报Jour nal of Bu ildi ng Structures第31卷第6期2010年6月

V ol131No16J une2010013文章编号:1000-6869(2010)06-0096-14







Fire perfor mance research and applicati on on

stee-l concrete co mposite structures

YU Zhi w u,DING Faxing

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(School of C i vil Engi neering and Arch itecture,Central South Un i versity,Changsha410075,Chi na)

Abstract:F ire perfor m a nce of stee-l concrete c o m posite str uctures has bee n a focal poi nt of researc h for recent years. M any experm i ental tests and theoretical analysis have been carried out by researchers a ll over the world.This paper summarizes the recent achieve m e nts m ade i n fire perfor mance of co m posite slabs,co m posite bea m s,co mposite colu mns,bea m-colu mn connect i ons,fra m es and str uctur a l syste m.The features o f the code for f ire pr otecti on design and the pr actical appli cat i on are also ana l yzed.T he prm i e proble ms ex i st i ng i n the fiel d o f fire perfor m ance are po i nted out in this paper.The issues related to the fire perfor mance of co mposite str uctures,such as materi a l ther ma-l stress coupled constituti vem ode,l analytical t heor y,numerical fire testi ng,and f i re perfor m ance desi gn method which require f urther research are d i scussed.F i ve key proble m s concer ning w ith fire perfor m a nce of stee-l concrete co mposite str uctures are ident ified:(1)The ther ma-l stress coupled constituti ve models o f steel and c oncrete,wh ic h consi der the factors such as heat i ng and post-fire coo li ng,mult-i ax i a l stress states,and different routes o f load and unload,shou l d be pr oposed;(2)T he analytical methods for fire perfor m ance of co m posite str uctures consi deri ng heating and post-fire coo ling should be established based on g lobal str uctural behavior;(3)The nu m erical fire testing method for the global str uctural should be established;(4)The-three level.fire perf or m ance desi gn for str uctures and pri nci ples of da mage assess m ent for str uctures after fire should be established;(5)T he desi gn m et hods for co m posite structures should be proposed base d on t m i e-dependent reli ab ility and g lobal structural behavior.

keywords:co mposite struct ure;fire perfor m a nce;f ire resi sta nce;f i re-resista nce desi gn;f ul-l range fire


作者简介:余志武(1955)),男,湖南临湘人,工学硕士,教授。E-ma i:l zh w yu@m ail1csu1edu1cn

通讯作者:丁发兴(1979)),男,浙江瑞安人,工学博士,副教授。E-m a i:l d i n f ax i n@m ail1cs u1edu1cn
