
时间:2022-11-21 23:06:24 作者:壹号 字数:2444字


Journalist: Last year Prince Claus and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands were

attending a show of African fashions in Amsterdam. Before the show

started, Prince Claus ripped off his tie, saying that it was like a snake

around his neck. What do you think about ties?

Man: I hate the things, myself. I wear them as little as possible. I agree

with the Prince. It's about time for a change. In fact, I say, "Free

your neck and your mind will follow."

Journalist: But don't you think ties are interesting? There are all kinds of designs

and styles to choose from. The tie a man chooses can say a lot about

his personality, his profession or his hobby. A tie can also express

love, sympathy and solidarity.

Man: I agree that ties can say a lot. Some ties are funny and some are elegant,

but they are all very uncomfortable. Most of the time when you wear a

tie, you feel as if you're choking. As for expressing things, I think

T-shirts are much better!

Journalist: Yes, but surely there are some occasions when you can't wear a T-shirt.

If you were a lawyer or a businessman, you wouldn't be able to wear a

T-shirt to work. You'd have to wear a suit and tie.

Man: That's true. But more and more men are choosing not to wear a tie. In

my opinion, in a few years' time, ties will disappear. If a respectable

73-year-old man like Prince Claus rips off his tie, other men in

prominent positions are sure to follow his example. In fact, ties are

far less common nowadays than they were in the 1950s or 1960s.

Journalist: I agree. But specialists in men's wear say that the tie is not about

to die. They say that a great tie can get you promoted or attract a woman.

Don't you think women like ties?


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Well, I guess you should ask women their opinion.


1. What do we learn about Prince Claus at a fashion show last year?

2. What is the journalist's attitude toward ties?

3. What is the man's attitude toward ties?

I've been happily married for three years, and I love my husband very much. But we have one major area of disagreement. He says I'm attractive and I say I am fat. He contradicts anything I say to try to convince him that I need to go on a diet. First, I have to admit that he's in the fashion business. So he's quite

knowledgeable about styles. He thinks that women today have unrealistic goals with regard to their figures. He constantly reminds me that the models I see in fashion