介绍马拉松 英语作文

时间:2022-11-23 17:44:22 作者:壹号 字数:1303字

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International Marathon very popular long-distance running events, the whole 385 yards distance of 26 miles, equivalent to 42.195 km. Points full marathon, half marathon and marathon four points three. In

the marathon race is the most popular,generally referred to the marathon, refers to the full marathon. In 490 bc, the Greek army in the plain of Marathon to repel the invasion of the Persian army. The heraldOneer Fede P Des ran from Marathon to Athens City, in reporting the news of

victoryafter exhaustion fell dead. To commemorate this event, in 1896 the first modern Olympic Games, set up the marathon project, Fede Peder J is a distance of 42.193 km mileage messenger.
