
时间:2022-11-21 07:51:28 作者:壹号 字数:4216字



姓名:杨晓杰 班级:089412 指导老师:高有堂(教授)

系别:电子与电气工程系 专 业:电子信息工程

[摘要]当光照射某种材料时,材料内部的电子获得足够大的能量而从体内逸出,这种现象称为外光电效应,也叫光电发射。其中,从材料内部发射出来的电子称为光电子,光电子所形成的电流称为光电流,而能够利用外光电效应发射光电子的材料称为光电阴极。光电阴极有投射式GaAs光电阴极、反射式GaAs光电阴极等,本次研究主要通过对GaAs光电阴极的特点、GaAsNEA光电阴极的制备、国内外GaAs光电阴极光谱响应的差异和差异形成的原因、变掺杂GaAs NEA光电阴极的出现等问题的研究初步了解GaAs光电阴极。

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[关键词]负电子亲和势; GaAs光电阴极;量子效率

My GaAs optoelectronic cathode research to the learning experience

Abstract :When light illuminate some kind of material, the materials of the internal electronic get enough energy from the body and the way to escape, this phenomenon is called the photoelectric effect, also called photoelectric launch. From material of internal launched electronic called optoelectronics, optoelectronic by the formation of the current and can use the optical called the launch of the photoelectric effect optoelectronic cathode materials called photoelectric. Optoelectronic cathode have cast type GaAs optoelectronic cathode reflex GaAs optoelectronic cathode, this research mainly through the characteristics of GaAs optoelectronic cathode GaAsNEA optoelectronic cathode preparation of domestic and foreign GaAs optoelectronic cathode spectral response, and the difference of the difference of the formation of doping GaAs NEA optoelectronic cathode change the appearance of the preliminary understanding of GaAs optoelectronic cathode.

key words : emitter gaas; GaAs optoelectronic cathode; Quantum efficiency

1 引言

负电子亲和势(NEA) GaN光电阴极具有量子效率高、暗发射小、物理化学性质稳定、发射电子能量分布集中等优点,作为电子源,在平板电子印刷等方面有着重要的应用价值,以NEA 为阴极的紫外真空探测器在火箭跟踪、大气监测、火情告警等领域也有着广泛的应用前景.

目前对于反射式的GaN光电阴极研究较多,Machuca等测得Cs/0激活后的GaN光电阴极在256 nm处的量子效率为25%,Oswald等在120 nm处获得了高达70%的量子效率.然而在实际应用中,透射模式是光电器件的理想结构模式,在光电探测器件的实际制造中有着反射式不可比拟的优势,外在透射式的NEA GaN光电阴极方面已进行了研究,Mizuno等研究发现,半透明的GaN光电阴极的量子效率达到了25%‘引,Ulmer在270 nm左右获得了约28%的量子效率,尚未查到国内在透射式GaN光电阴极方面的相关报道.本文对透射式NEA GaN光电阴极的激活过程和量子效率进行研究,对影响透射式NEA GaN光电阴极量子效率的因素进行了分析和讨论.
