with the rapid development of economy

时间:2022-11-21 01:20:23 作者:壹号 字数:1577字

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The negative impact of science and technology brought to mankind

With the rapid development of economy, science and technology has been significantly improved, which promote the advancement of human society. However, science and technology is a double-edged sword for the development of human society, it has both positive and negative side.

First and foremost, to some extent, the development of science and technology has caused damage to the environment. For instance, refrigerating fluid now is widely used in refrigerator and air condition, which causes serious damage to the ozone sphere. Moreover, the automobile exhaust and industrial waste gas have seriously polluted the environment too.

Secondly, the development of science and technology can also affects the human health. Human beings are inevitable exposed to pesticides, chemical additives, genetically modified products and other numbers of harmful substance, which makes a great impact on human health.

Last but not least, science and technology change the lifestyle of human being. The popularity of network communication make people rely on the network. A lot of news explore that teenagers get addicted to internet and delay in school.

From above analysis, although the rapid development of science and technology has been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, it also brings us numerous troubles. So we should take good advantage of the convenience and modernization the science and technology brings to us , and try to avoid its negative effects on the environment and human health, etc.