
时间:2022-11-21 21:41:40 作者:壹号 字数:4627字


假如你是李丽,假期你将参加一个英语角主办的以“Healthy Lifestyle”为主题的演讲比赛。请你准备一篇发言稿,谈谈你对健康生活的看法。要求如下:


注意:1。次数80—100;2;请结合实际情况适当发挥;3 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir or Madam,

Good afternoon!

A healthy lifestyle is important for us.We need to start a healthy lifestyle.Here are some of my suggestions.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thanks for your attention!

One possible version:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Good afternoon!

A healthy lifestyle is important for us.We need to start a healthy lifestyle.Here are some of my suggestions.First,take exercise every day. Doctors suggest that we walk at least 10.000 steps a week to keep fit.We can also get the same amount of exercise from our favorite sport.Second,watch our diet.Eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead of fast food and sweets.Unhealthy food can make us put on weight fast.Third,rest while we can.The body needs about eight hours’sleep every day.We’d better go to bed early in the evening and not stay up.

If you really love life, then follow these suggestions and start a healthy lifestyle.

Thanks for your attention!



In the modern world, mental health has become a matter of great concern. Firstly, let’s look at the pictures above. There are four pictures, which give us some advice about how to be in good mental health. The first picture tells us that happiness depends not on what you have, but on what you can give. The second one shows that you cannot decide what the weather is like, but you can decide what mood you are in. The third one shows that you should examine your own words and deeds before correcting the others. The fourth one shows you should not be always upset and should say to yourself everyday, ” I’m really good.”

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Modern People’s Health Problem

Nowadays, more and more people have problems with their health. Why do they have so many heath problems? There are 3 basic questions. First, many people have heavy workload or homework.

Second, some people have lots of bad habits. Such as smoking or hard-drinking.

Final, overload works make people have less rest so they have a little sleep time and almost all people have some health problems.

Now, “alleviate burdens on people” is a hot topic. Too much work make people unhealthy. But our health problem is not only heavy works but also no sports or Irregular diet. In order to change these bad habits, we should do sports at least twice a week, eat more vegetables and less meat. I like do sports very much. Basketball is my favorite sport. I always play basketball at school with my friends. It not only makes my health better but also makes me feel better. Eating healthy food is a good way to keep a healthy life because healthy food can make us relaxing.

You can take away anything but if our health is taken away we will lose anything. So let’s keep a healthy life!

Beijing Er Longlu Middle School Class 2 Grade 8 Xiong Jiayue熊佳玥