熊定英 八年级上 Unit 11 section A(Go for it)说课稿

时间:2022-11-24 12:33:56 作者:壹号 字数:5824字

Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? Section A


德阳市广汉市雒城二中,四川德阳 618300

﹝Summary﹞: Unit 11 “Could you please clean your room?” is to let the students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission. It’s the beginning of all the textbooks with polite languages, it’s crucial. It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative ability. ﹝Key words﹞: enable;foster ;successful Unit 11 section A (period 1) I、Analyzing teaching material 1). Lesson type Conversation 2). Status and function

Unit 11 “Could you please clean your room?” is to let the students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission. It’s the starting of all the textbooks with polite languages, it’s crucial. At the same time , it’s the most important unit in the book. Since it is a conversation. It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative ability. II. Teaching goals and demands 1)knowledge goals

a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases: chore, dish, sweep, trash, fold, meeting ,do the dishes, take out ,make one’s bed, living room b. Master the sentence

Could you please ??yes, sure. /No, you can’t. Could you please not?? 2.Smart goals



a. Ask the Ss to make up a similar conversations.

b. Help them to understand the conversations better and improve the four skills.

3.Emotion goals

a. Foster their interests in learning English;

b. Enable the students to be helpful to others and love others like parents, teachers .

4. teaching important points a. New words and phrases

b. Sentence pattern: Could you please?? c. improve their conversation skills 5. teaching difficult points

Develop their communicative ability. Act out their own conversations. II. teaching aids (multi-media computer CAI)

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Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? do the dishes dish Could you please do the dishes? sweep the floor sweep Yes, sure. go to the movies trash Sorry, I can’ t. I have to do my homework. Teaching review

In this lesson, I mainly adopt the Task-Based Learning Method. I design many various activities that close to students’ life so as to help students solve the importance and difficulties. I arrange individual work, group work, pair work for students to practice English, too. Students understand all the goals in the unit. Notes:

Unit 11 ““Could you please clean your room?” section A(第一课时),龚亚夫、


郝建平、David Booth、 Larry Swartz主编,义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》 Go for it!(供三年级起始用)(PEP Primary English Students,Book)八年级上册,北京:人民教育出版社出版,2007,第65—66页。