
时间:2022-11-24 09:55:18 作者:壹号 字数:2473字

浅谈轻钢结构住宅若干问题的优化设计 作者:张银川




Abstract: From the structural system layout, component section, node form of steel residential structure optimization design. Optimization of structural system in conceptual design. On the section, node form optimization design using multidimensional constrained nonlinear programming method to establish the mathematical model and optimization, the optimal section size of components. The optimization design of steel structure residential buildings to shorten the design period, save manpower, reduce costs, improve the quality and level of the design objective. Finally achieved remarkable social and economic benefits, thus promoting the rapid development of steel structure residential industrialization in china.

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Keywords: steel structure residential buildings; structure optimization

中图分类号:F121.3文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2104(2012)

1 轻钢结构住宅面临的问题

1.1 整个社会对这种新住宅体系的接受需要一个过程


1.2 缺少实用性人才


2 轻钢结构优化设计