
时间:2022-11-23 13:52:48 作者:壹号 字数:2834字


intrigue: a secret plan or activity; plot; scheme 阴谋

TYPICAL USE: The king’s younger brother took part in the intrigue to make himself king.

Synonym: conspiracy

postpone: delay action until a later time; defer; delay 延期

TYPICAL USE :They had to postpone their trip because of rain.

Synonym: adjourn

refuge: a protected, safe place; protection from danger 避难所,避难

TYPICAL USE: The cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree.

Synonym: shelter

regain: get a procession of again恢复

TYPICAL USE: It took her a long time to regain her health.

Synonym :recover

tease: make fun of a person unkindly or playfully; harass 嘲弄

TYPICAL USE: At school, the other children always teased me because I was fat.

Synonym: vex

tilt:(cause to) slope or slant; lean 倾斜

TYPICAL USE: He tilted his chair back too far and fell on the floor.

Synonym: incline

A thunderstorm forced him to take __refuge_at a hut

Marked by melodramatic _intrigue__ and often espionage

The commander decided to_postpone_ the big push until the spring

_Tilt_the barrel forward to empty it

I tried to _regain_my balance but I fell off the jetty and into the drink.

The other boys used to_tease _ him because about his accent.

word list

barren /bArEn/:unable to produce young; unproductive

TYPICAL USE: The barren land could produce little food.


bump/bQmp/: come with a blow or knock

TYPICAL USE: The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.

Synonym: collide

devise/di vaIz/: think out: plan or contrive

TYPICAL USE: He devised new method for teaching the blind.

Synonym: invent

exert/ig zEt/: put into use: exercise

TYPICAL USE: My wife’s exert lots of pressure on me to change my job.

Synonym: use

oath/EJW/: a solemn promise often calling upon God

TYPICAL USE: He places the right hand on the Bible as he spoke the oath of the office

Synonym: pledge

shatter/FAtE/: destroy completely; break suddenly into pieces

TYPICAL USE: Their hope of finding him alive was shattered when his dead body was found.


以下所列为专四高频词汇的解析,仅供参考。所谓功夫不负有心人,相信大家通过努力,一定会顺利攻破专四这道难关的。为了方便大家浏览,特提供专四词汇表的word版 点击进入下载>> 英语专业四级必背词汇

America n.美利坚合众国,美洲

Africa n.非洲(略为Afr.)

Canada n. 加拿大

propaganda n.①ideas, false or true information, etc. spread about officially, esp. by a government宣传,传播 ②organs for propaganda宣传机构

panda n. a large
bearlike animal with black and white fur, originally from China 大熊猫

agenda n. things to be done; business to be discussed at a meeting (会议)议