My View on Success

时间:2022-11-23 13:31:12 作者:壹号 字数:1235字

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My View on Success With regard to success, many people hunter for it. For us, it can be subconscious to focus on the career and money, which are usually comprehended as the norm to judge whether to succeed or not. But is it really appropriate to think so?I partly agree. Considering carefully, When you make a big fortune, you may lose your family affection; when you run a promising business , you may discard your physical and psychological health; when you grab sovereign power, you may place yourself on opposite side of the majority. Conclusively, the narrow view of what constitutes the success can be a hamper rather than a lighthouse to achieve it.

In my experience, success can be regarded as a meaningful process, in which you set a goal and pursue it persistently. More importantly, you can take lessons from the process to boost your development.

I learned it from a free English debate held by Huaqiao University. Together with my three other partners, I had been practicing my English spoken language, debate techniques and performance manners everyday without suspending before the competition came. It was the diligence and persistence that enriched us by means of exposing our defects so that we can