Sample project titles0

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Sample of CA project titles

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The ritual of smoking outside pubs Ready meals, cooking and the appreciation of food in Scottish culture Power distance at university: Poland and Scotland Culture shock of Polish students The cultural sig

nificance of school uniforms in the UK The apology culture of Britain The social construction of space and communication in pubs How does the perception of arranged marriages in (British-)Pakistani culture reflect underlying (British-)Pakistani cultural values? High and low context communication: a case study of Lithuanian students Culture shock: Migrating from PakistanSuperficial findings despite interesting research: could have made more of this! Could also have used theoretical ideas much better to go beyind simple listing of personal problems.

58 57 57 57 56 55 54 54 53 52

Nepotism in PolandInteresting topic and some interesting ideas, but overall too many assumptions, too little analysis. Primary research is limited and unhelpful, no useful secondary research, theoretical ideas mentioned rather than used.


How do Canadians celebrate Tartan Day, and why?Lots of information gathered, OK sections on notions explaining the idea of 'heroes' and 'symbols' but these are not used to think further about the topic. No analysis of cultural values, no relevant sources that might have helped with this.