
时间:2022-11-21 21:38:12 作者:壹号 字数:8153字

篇一:英语作文我的暑假 三篇

英语作文我的暑假 (一):

《 An Unforgettable Thing in Summer Holiday 》

July 2 is my grand father's birthday. On that day, all of my families will get together to celebrate his birthday. This year was the same. My uncles and aunt came back from other cities. It was so alive that my grand parents were very happy. This year, I made a surprise for my grand father. I cooked a dish for him. As I never cooked before, he was so surprised as well as exciting. My grand father said that it was the best birthday gift he received. I was glad to make grand father happy. Actually, I had practiced for several days before that day. My mum was my cooking teacher. She supported me to prepare this gift to grand father.


英语作文我的暑假 (二):

《我的暑假 My Summer Holiday 》

…… 此处隐藏2670字 ……

I liked not only the scene of the countryside, but also the people there. I helped them to do farm work. I also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. The children were interested in English. They were good at reading and writing, but did not do well in listening and speaking. I helped them improve their listening and speaking. Their parents thought highly of me. I realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.





暑假生活-During Summer Vacation

新学期开始了,同学们都返回学校重新见面。他们正在谈论自己的暑假生活。我更高兴,迫不及待地想告诉他们我是怎么过的。终于轮到我,了,我告诉他们我暑假期间在一家餐馆当服务员。他们起初并不相信。 是真的。 我说, 刚开始时可惨了,但几天以后我就可以做得很好了。这个暑假我挣了600元钱呢。 他们都目瞪口呆地看着我。

A new term began. Students all returned to school and met again. They were talking about what they had done in the holidays. I was much happier. I couldn't wait to tell my story. Now it's my turn. I told them I got a job in a restaurant. I worked as a waitress. They didn't believe at first.Yes, it's true. I said, I really had a hard time at the beginning. But several days later, I could do a good job. I earned six hundred yuan this holiday. They all looked at me with their mouths open.