
时间:2022-07-15 05:08:56 作者:天下 字数:9051字



My name is wei, a pure clever, but the name on our family efforts to take oh! Grandpa said this name, opened only by N times family meeting. 's and father's family name is wei, ying is the family expect me to stand out from the extraordinary, pure was not in my name in the word but consider if call Wei Ying family, will be a lot of sharing the same name, so they added a pure word in the middle, I simply hope. My name is full of the whole family's love for me and look forward to, so I also try to do they expected of me.

I character cheerful, frank. I am full of confidence to oneself, how many times, I am 100% confident to participate in all kinds of campaign, 200% ended up in failure. In the face of cruel reality, I feel disappointed and sad, because I don't get paid what. But, I'm not so depressed, I know want to learn from failure and confidently for failure to hone my will. "Self-trust is the first secret of success". I firmly believe that as long as there are efforts, there will always be a day to have truly belong to me.

My hobby is widespread, sports, or art, I like it, but also because his character short-tempered, everything is just learn some fur, not deeply, so I created today, what will be, but nothing good. Swimming, of course, my favorite is the sport, because influenced by my father since I was a child, 5 years old began to learn swimming, until now already has 10 years of history, often talking about swimming, I can be very proud to stand chest my YouYongShi introduce it to you.

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