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摘要: 关于成功的名人名言 积累丰富的托福写作素材对于托福写作考试非常有帮助,下面为大家整理一些新托福写作考试中关于成功的名人名言,希望大家能认真记忆。 One of the greatest early writers s


One of the greatest early writers said ...

"Knowledge is power", such is the remard of ...

"......". That is how sb comment ( criticize/ praise...).

"......". How often we hear such words like there.

Useful quotations


by Robert Collier

In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage. In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time.


by Ann Landers

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.


by Ralph Waldo Emerson

No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.

Confucius 孔子

Our greatest glory is not in never falling...

but in rising every time we fall.


Mother Teresa

To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.

Hey Ford

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it inuo small jobs.

Winston Churchill

Never, never, never, never give up.

Albert Einstein

In uhe middle of difficulty lies opportunity.


by Crassus

Those who aim at great deeds must suffer greatly.

Thomas Edison

There is no substitute for hard work.

Leo Tolstoi

The strongest of all warriors are these two- Time and Patience.

Thomas Jefferson

I'm a great believer in luck,

and I find the harder I work...

the more I have of it.

Robert Collier

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

Ray A. Croc

Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.


Vince Lombardi

It's not whether you get knocked down.

...It's whether you get up again.

Winston Churchill

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity;

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·很难说什么是办不到的事情,因为昨天的梦想可以是今天的希望,并且还可以成为明天的现实。 ——罗伯特

·成功的条件在于勇气和自信,而勇气和自信乃是由健全的思想和健康的体魄而来。 ——科伦

·成功=艰苦劳动+正确的方法+少说空话。 ——爱因斯坦

·凡是较有成就的科学工作者,毫无例外地都是利用时间的能手,也都是决心在大量时间中投入大量劳动的人。 ——华罗庚

·“难”也是如此,面对悬崖峭壁,一百年也看不出一条缝来,但用斧凿,能进一寸进一寸,得进一尺进一尺,不断积累,飞跃必来,突破随之。 ——华罗庚

·我们有力的道德就是通过奋斗取得物质上的成功;这种道德既适用于国家,也适用于个人。 ——罗素

·霸祖孤身取二江,子孙多以百城降。豪华尽出成功后,逸乐安知与祸双? ——王安石

·成功=艰苦的劳动+正确的方法+少谈空话。 ——爱因斯坦