
时间:2022-11-23 14:35:50 作者:壹号 字数:10177字

2012高考英语 核心考点全 程 跟 踪

成功学概览3% = successful people 97%= ordinary people

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Rules for success: 1. 3% 的人有强烈的成功动机。 2. 成功的人都很了解自己。 3. 成功的人一般都很有魅力。 4. 成功的人拥有一流的情绪。 信念控制注意力。 注意力控制情绪。

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5. 要成功就要跟成功者在一起。 6. 成功者凡事主动出击。 7. 要成功就不要有借口,要借口就难 以成功。 8. 要研究成功者的想法、策略和行为 习惯。 9. 成功者总是比对手多做一下、坚持 到底。 10. 成功者拥有强烈坚定的信念。 11. 成功者热爱痛苦。Page 4

12. 成功者必须有的观念: A.过去并不等于未来 B.没有失败,只有暂时的停止成功。 C.我没有得到我要的,就即将得到更好的。 D.成功者愿意做一般人不愿意做的事。 E. 成功者做一般人做不到的事。 F. 成功者凡事以最短的时间采取最大量的 行动。 G. 成功者累积知识和人脉的质和量。 H. 任何成功者都靠投资脑袋赚钱。 I. 成功者拥有一流的态度、技巧和能力。 因为态度决定一切,技巧和能力决定胜负。Page 5

故事,始终是故事!而不是你 的!也不一定适合你!你的生活,只 是需要你的继续!有信心的人,是不 会去听故事!而是,将自己写成故事 给世人欣赏!

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Stories are nothing but stories of others who have achieved their success, not my own. My life and fate are in my hand. I must continue working hard to build my life and hold my fate. I will not only listen to others' success stories, but write a story of my own for the world to appreciate.Page 7

每日咏颂篇 (每天20遍)

My hope arises here, 《老师将这篇的文本和 mp3发至同学邮箱》 My success comes near!

Though I am not the most intelligent person in the world,though I am not the most talented person on earth, I believe I am the luckiest one,and I firmly believe I will become successful. For quite a long time, my parents, teachers, friends and relatives have been encouraging me. I have also learned the rules for success through many successful people's experience.I have always been active in everything.I have always been keeping working hard.Page 8

I have always been keeping pushing myself mentally, emotionally and physically. I have always been keeping doing more than anyone else. I have always been keeping doing the most things within the least time. I have always been the strongest, toughest and most persevering person. I have destroyed all the obstacles in my way and have overcome all the difficulty in my life and study.Page 9

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过去将来 时

should/would be 9 将来完成 will/would asked 时 have been askedPage 20



If you don't like the drink you ,just leave it and try a different one. A. ordered B. are ordering C. will order D. had ordered 【答案】A 【考点】考查动词的时态。 【解析】句意为“如果你不喜欢你所点的饮料, 就把它放那儿,试试另一种。”don't like the drink是现在时,点饮料是过去的动作,因此, 用过去时或现在完成时,故选A。Page 21