
时间:2022-11-21 02:14:59 作者:壹号 字数:7043字


关键词:妇女歧视 失学女童 受教育权

Abstract:The right to education as a fundamental right of citizen has been commonly agreed in each country.And to a great extent ,it is the foundation of the citizens' survival right and development right.However,in China,a large number of girls?the right to education has been damaged,so they are facing the situation of dropping out of school.In this article,I will analyze the problems when our country implements the CEADW and preliminarily explore the measures in the perspective of out-of-school girls ?right to education. Index term: discrimination against women

out-of-school girls the right to education


The right to education is both an important civil right that is confirmed and protected by some documents of international law such as

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and CEADW and a constitutional right which is confirmed by most countries including China.


女童易遭受由于其性别差异产生的歧视,在男女平等的前提下,其受教育权更应当得到重视。Girls are vulnerable to discrimination because of their gender differences, on the premise of gender equality , the right to education of girls should be attentioned more.


到目前为止,我国法学界对这方面尚缺乏较为系统深入的理论研究,司法实务界也未建立一套完善而有效的救济机制。At present,in China,our jurisprudential circle is still lack of a systematic and deep theoretical research about this aspect.And judicial practice also has not been established a set of perfect and effective relief mechanism.


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《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》中也未出现对妇女的解释说明。The CEADW also has no explanation about women.

此外,联合国《儿童权利公约》将儿童的年龄限制为18周岁以下。In addition,the CRC limits the age of the child is under the age of 18.

结合上述观念,本文所指女童即为14-18周岁的女性。 In conclusion,in this artical,girls that are femal who are 14 -18 years old.

教育,既是公民个人人格形成和发展的一个必不可少的手段,也是培育作为民主政治具体承担者的健全的公民的重要途径。 Education is not only a necessary means for civil personality to form and develop,but also an important way to cultivate sound citizens as specific undertaker of democracy.

我国现行宪法第46条规定:“中华人民共和国公民有受教育的权利和义务”。 In


our current constitution prescribed in paragraph 1 of article 46: of the People's Republic of China the rights and obligations of education