六年级科学下册 Unit 3 what are you going to do 练习题 人教

时间:2022-11-20 21:20:12 作者:壹号 字数:704字

(人教PEP)六年级英语上册练习题 Unit 3 what are you

going to do?


1. are you going to this afternoon ?

going to my grandparents .

far ? , so I’m going on foot.

2. is your father to the cinema ?

He the cinema at 5:00 this afternoon.

3. are you ?

I’m going to the science museum.

4. Sarah going to ?

She buy a comic book.

5. going to use any books plants ?

Yes, I am.


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1. ? His mother is going at 3 o’clock.

2. ? They are going to the bookstore.

3. ? I’m going to plant trees tomorrow.

4. I’m going to be a teacher.

5. ? Yes, he is going to the cinema.

6. ? No, we are going at 5 o’clock.

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