
时间:2022-11-25 14:03:10 作者:壹号 字数:6373字



班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 得分:__________

第一节: 单项填空 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

请阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并写在答题卡上

21.With the number of migrants rising sharply, Europe’s leaders have struggled to find solution that can ______ both domestic political pressures and their legal and moral duties to shelter those migrants.

A. influence B. guarantee C. accommodate D. convince

22. Nowadays Chinese pedestrians feel caught between morality and trick: should they help an elderly person who ______ into the street?

A. has fallen B. is falling C. had fallen D. was falling

23. ______ in the valley of the mountains is the tomb of King Tutankhamun, which Howard Carter came across in 1922.

A. Locating B. Being located C. Buried D. Being buried

24. We stayed a week in Paris. It is a pity we can’t speak French; otherwise we ______ our visit to the romantic city much more.

A. would enjoy B. enjoyed C. had enjoyed D. would have enjoyed

25. Some teenagers never take entrance exams seriously; they simply leave ______, to a large extent, could be life’s most important event------admission to universities almost entirely up to luck.

A. as B. that C. which D. what

26. It’s required that under no circumstances ________ betray ourselves even if there are temptations like money or beauty.

A. we will B. will we C. should we D. we shall 27. ----Had we been more careful, the car crash could not have happened. ----But you ______.

A. didn’t B. hadn’t C. couldn’t D. weren’t

28. ------How about your new business?

-----We’re drawing up our plans ______ experiences of other factories.

A. in the charge of B. in the light of C. in the event of D. in the name of 29. Do you believe that ______ economic development and pollution are beyond control, it can be concluded that the latter is purely due to the former?

A. where B. even though C. unless D. while 30. -----Morning, Madam, can I help you?

-----Yes, I’m looking for a plain handbag------nothing _______. Do you have any suggestions? A. authentic B. ordinary C. fragile D. fancy

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wisely. The ---37--- you earn does not matter but the hard work ---38--- it matters. A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his ---39---.”

When I used to be sad, I would ask my father, “If there are so many stars in the universe, why is the sky ---40--- at night?”

My father used to ---41--- explain to me that stars are scattered in disorder in the sky and if they came ---42---, it would be like day. They are scattered to give us the advantage over light so that we can ---43--- in the night. There is a reason for every act of ----44--- to give us its best.

I lived my childhood following my father’s ---45---. But then there are other instances where you can really feel that it is ---46---. There are certain things that go ---47--- “law of nature”. Nature plays no role in their existence.

Most of the time, we judge people by their ---48--- or by their habits. Our way to judge conceives into a(an) ---49--- about them that we carry like a baggage, in all your meetings with them. In short, we develop preconceived concepts about someone’s ---50--- personally. This certainly ---51--- from law of nature or gift of nature to us.

Nature is all about “---52---“ and “loving”. Nature gives us a reason to understand humanity by asking and ---53--- rather than judging. But how often do we remember all this when we judge someone wearing unpolished shoes to an office? We might ---54--- to ask as it is like an intrusion to someone’s life we judge and form an ---55--- without delay. It is easier to judge than to acknowledge someone’s journey of life.

36. A. subjectively B. casually C. inspiringly D. optimistically 37. A. award B. amount C. trust D. reputation 38. A. on B. with C. behind D. through 39. A. knowledge B. interest C. friends D. deeds 40. A. unattractive B. peaceful C. dark D. dull 41. A. partly B. ambiguously C. humorously D. patiently 42. A. together B. close C. forward D. down 43. A. hide B. sleep C. travel D. see 44. A. ours B. astronomers C. faith D. nature 45. A. patterns B. tracks C. teachings D. instructions 46. A. untrue B. unbearable C. unfair D. uncertain