
时间:2022-11-25 11:49:39 作者:壹号 字数:9877字

英国文学史 试 题

题号 分数 一 二 三 四 五 学号 姓名 七 八 九 十 总分

Ⅰ. Identification. (15%)

1. Identify each writer on the left column with what is written on the right column. (10%) (1) John Lyly a. pre-romanticism (2) William Blake b. impressionism (3) Laurence Sterne c. Angry Young Man (4) Kingsley Amis d. comic epic in prose (5) Joseph Conrad e. historical novel (6) Walter Scott f. University Wit (7) Pamela g. sentimentalism (8) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man h. Oedipus Complex (9) Sons and Lovers i. Künstlerroman (10) The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling j. epistolary novel

2. Identify the author with his or her work. (5%) (1) Charles Dickens a. Don Juan (2) E. M. Foster b. Hard Times (3) John Milton c. Mrs. Warren’s Profession (4) Henry Fielding d. The Faerie Queene (5) George Bernard Shaw e. “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (6) Oscar Wilde f. The Pilgrim’s Progress (7) John Bunyan g. A Passage to India (8) Edmund Spencer h. Paradise Regained (9) Thomas Gray i. Jonathan Wild the Great (10) George Gordon Byron j. The Importance of Being Earnest

Ⅱ. Choose the best answer for each blank. (20%) 1. The hero in the romance is usually a . A. king B. knight C. Christ D. churchman

2. Modern English novel, as a product of the 18th century Enlightenment and industrialization, really came with the rising of the class. A. working B. aristocratic C. bourgeois D. capitalist

3. The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens is written in the form of a novel.

第 1 页 (共 15 页)

试 题: 班号: 姓名:

A. epistolary B. picaresque C. Gothic D. psychological

4. Which of the following is NOT from Ireland? A. Jonathan Swift B. Daniel Defoe C. George Bernard Shaw D. James Joyce

5. is the most accomplished example of medieval romance, dealing with Arthurian romance. A. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. The Canterbury Tales C. Piers the Plowman D. The Song of Beowulf

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6. What is the main idea of the poem “The Second Coming”? How does it reflect Yeats’ view of the

civilization of his time?

7. In what way is the west wind in The West Wind by Shelley both a destroyer and a preserver?

8. What are the major themes of Pride and Prejudice? List at least two and elaborate them in a few


9. What significances have Clarissa attached to her parties?

10. What purpose does the rain shower serve in the first act of Pygmalion?

第 5 页 (共 15 页)