
时间:2022-11-25 10:57:24 作者:壹号 字数:1162字

实习二 外文和专利数据库实习


1. ①写出所选课题名称:远程教育技术及应用


③写出上述课题的关键词;Distance education;technology;Application

2检索式 检索结果数

Title= Distance education * Application 212 subject/title/abstract = Distance education*Application 2030

Ei controlled term= Distance education* Application 1315


篇名:The application of clustering method on teaching management in

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distance education

作者:Zhaopeng, Meng;Jia, Jia;Qiang, Guo;Lixia, Shen 文摘:In this paper, examples are used to explain that the density-based

clustering algorithm fits for grouping students according their score.

And GDLD algorithm is used to analyze the information of students from

School of Distance Education of Tianjin University so as to provide some

useful inspiration on further study of learning mode. So teaching managers

could make a much better understanding of students' learning

characteristics, and thus guide them properly.